Belly dancers at FringeNYC 2003
(photo: Bob Greenwald)
o A/C, a broken mic, an audience
of 10 sweating and fanning. Yet the New York Performing Arts Company
soldiered on. What an ironically generic name for veteran ethnic dancers
of well-honed, distinctive skill, each draped in a succession of unique
and glorious costumes. "Caravan to Cairo: Dances of North Africa
and the Middle East" featured 11 works by choreographer Samara—a
travelogue in movement (absolutely fabulous) and words (sometimes too
many). Choice bits included the Ouled Nail duet performed by
Morgiana and Samara—curbing her Beverly Sills smile to reflect the
no-nonsense attitude of these Algerian dancing women—and The Djinn
of the Feather Cloak, a nicely understated interpretation of a
Moroccan folktale. Reyna and Andrea highlighted the elegantly giddy Raks
Khaleegi, a flowing, twirling social dance with which Saudi women
entertain one another.